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 August Lindsay

Who am I? Just a girl, who swoons for romance. When I was growing up my Dad would look at me with a head-shaking grin, and sigh, "You're such a romantic."


The moment I could print a sentence was the moment I began creative writing. Making up stories has filled my cup since I was very young. I’ve always written for myself; my own amusement, my own escape. I never considered anyone would read my musings. Much like a diary; the stories have been mine and mine alone.


My body of work grew and one day it occurred to me: If I enjoyed reading my own writing, would someone else enjoy it too? Could I possibly share the words I’d written with abandoned? That little spark of thought grew into a crackling fire.


And here I sit. Telling you, about me. In the hopes you will decide to plunge into one of my stories. Honestly, I don't know. I don't know if you will like it. To the core of my heart, I sincerely hope you do. But the truth is I write for me. I write as if no one is going to read it. My secret fables. No one is going to judge it. No one is going to care.  In doing so, I hope you find something raw and real and perfectly imperfect.   

Writing by the Water
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